Let’s break down Gem Tiers. There are nine Gem Tiers in NBA 2K24 and each determines the range of overall rating a card will be in. This is important for any collector who is trying to build the best collection of players possible.
Any card with an overall rating less than 80 is a Gold Gem Tier, they then progress up through Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Amethyst, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Galaxy Opal, and finally the highest Gem Tier is Dark Matter, a 99 overall. In NBA 2K24, MyTEAM will start Season 1 with Diamonds being the highest available gem class, with new card tiers becoming available throughout the year.

A card may be assigned either one or two positions, which restricts these cards from playing any other position than the ones designated. This is a very important part of setting your lineup for modes like Unlimited and Domination where you may need substitutions for certain positions. Player Cards may be assigned either one or two positions. In MyTEAM game modes, cards can only be used in these designated positions. Keep in mind, game modes that use full 13-player lineups, like Domination and Unlimited, will require at least one substitute on your bench for each position.

Every game mode is different, so having a lineup for each mode is key. In NBA 2K24, you can now make multiple 3-player, 5-player, and full 13-player lineups for each mode. You can also try the autofill feature which will generate lineups based on your selection. Try the tallest possible line up in your collection, or generate a lineup of the best player cards from the Lakers in your collection! There are limitless combinations to try when it comes to building your lineup.

The MyTEAM Card Grading feature can help you level up the MTP value of your MyTEAM collection. Sending your player card to be graded makes it unavailable for a short period of time, but it will be worth it! Once your player card is returned, it will be sealed with a grade, and have its quick sell value increased. Don't like the first grade? Then send your player card back for the chance to receive a better grade! Each card can be graded up to three times in total.