NBA 2K25: Season 3 Courtside Report
Compete in a winter wonderland during Season 3 of NBA 2K25 and unwrap a host of all-new festive rewards just in time for the holidays.
閱覽報導Compete in a winter wonderland during Season 3 of NBA 2K25 and unwrap a host of all-new festive rewards just in time for the holidays.
閱覽報導Chase victory and earn rewards during Season 2 of NBA 2K25, featuring Denver Nuggets guard Jamal Murray and his signature New Balance shoe available in-game.
閱覽報導在打造你心目中的MyPLAYER並於MyCAREER模式中領導王朝之前,最好先深入瞭解《NBA 2K25》的MyPLAYER創建器,還有大幅擴充的徽章與宰制功能。
閱覽報導Hit the court during Season 1 of NBA 2K25 and start earning all-new rewards. Learn more about all of the MyCAREER and MyTEAM content.
閱覽報導深入瞭解《NBA 2K25》超級便利的大都會「籃球之城」,及其競技中心「星光大道」,還有回歸的MyCOURT,外加更多豐富內容!
閱覽報導《NBA 2K25》的MyTEAM模式經過重新設計,讓你體驗拍賣行和三重威脅公園等多種特色,組成精英陣容,證明你是最強的!
閱覽報導號令NBA管理階層,並在MyNBA或MyGM中打造下一個偉大王朝,這就是《NBA 2K25》全方位的總經理模式。
閱覽報導在《NBA 2K25》的The W模式中,你將踏上成為史上最強的征途,超越各路WNBA傳奇人物。與新秀交鋒、打破各種紀錄,躋身頂尖球員之列。
閱覽報導進一步瞭解新世代《NBA 2K25》新增的遊戲強化功能,包括全新的ProPLAY™動畫。